This is a platform where you get latest authentic updated news on sport, fashion trend ,entertainment,celebrity chat, gossip,gist ,politics,event, technology, movie box, advertisement and more,to cap it up the main purpose of this blog is to integrate fashion all over the globe..
Whilst HR experts agree that rules governing workplace dress codes have changed and are largely dependent on industry/sector, the majority opinion is that one should look professional to be taken seriously…irrespective of where, when or why. The consensus is that first impressions still count, irrespective of whether a service provider is building a website or an office block. The truth is that any employee that wishes to be taken seriously must dress appropriately. In an ideal world workers would be evaluated strictly on their personalities, their skills and what they contribute to a business. The reality is that people are also judged on appearance and how they conduct themselves – our view is that job seekers and those wanting to establish themselves in their careers of choice need to pay more attention to this.
Some opinions posted on the Business Insider website:
Men should preferably wear darker colors, such as a black, navy or gray suit. If you are to wear a jacket, it should fit comfortably and be altered professionally if it doesn’t fit your body proportions.
Men: Although a suit never fails, you shouldn’t disregard sweaters. A nicely-fitted, dark-colored sweater can look sophisticated and polished.
Men: Don’t wear ties that have cartoons or slogans printed on it; it’s unprofessional.
Do not attend an interview wearing jeans! EVER!
Ladies: a tailored, knee-length skirt and shirt is considered classic and professional. A short skirt should be at most, a palm width above your knee.
Ladies: save the patent-leather spiked heels for a night out on the town, not a meeting with a potential employer. Close-toed shoes with a medium heel are preferable.
Ladies: Minimal makeup is preferable. Avoid bright colors and heavy application, though a small amount of m
ascara, blush, and lip balm is appropriate to freshen the face.
Fingernails should be short and manicured. Ladies: Nail polish that is too bright, chipped, or has sparkles is inappropriate.
Clothes should be ironed and fit properly. Don’t leave the house looking wrinkled, sloppy and unkept! Clothes should be clean, pressed, and stain-free
Greece's parliament gave the government a mandate to negotiate with creditors
In a late-night debate, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted many proposals fell short of his party's anti-austerity promises.Greece's parliament has backed a government package of economic reforms aimed at ending the country's debt crisis and securing a new bailout.
But he said there was a "national duty to keep our people alive and in the eurozone".
The proposals are to be studied by eurozone finance ministers later.
EU sources says Greece's creditors - the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund - believe the plan is positive.
Eurozone officials are also expected to discuss Greek requests for some of the debt to be rescheduled.
While a majority of the 300-member parliament backed the plans in the early hours of Saturday, several government MPs voted against or abstained.
Mr Tsipras is asking for €53.5bn ($59.47bn) to cover Greece's debts until 2018.
In return, he has given in to demands for a pension overhaul, tax rises and privatisations - measures rejected in a referendum last Sunday.
Greek banks are days away from running out of money and unless a deal is struck the country faces exiting the euro.
The BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens says the Greek reform package is a major climbdown for the prime minister, whose radical left-wing Syriza party was elected on a strong anti-austerity platform.